

Thursday, April 17, 2014

More Journals on my rehab class for being a drunk

By សតិវ អតុ
Tonight I went to my anti-drinking rehab group to try and keep me sober. I am amazed at the fear people have of relapse. A guy is going to have an operation on his leg. He will be hospitalized for two days and he is afraid the pain killers they will give him will trigger a relapse.
Gordon pointed out that pain relief is necessary for people to heal. So he has to have some pain killers. He has to be careful and not use more than necessary. Other people in the group talked of avoiding pain killers when going through medical procedures.
REALLY!! As if I would avoid painkillers! One guy even talked of using Ibuprofen instead of narcotics. What a waist. That would never happen with me.  
They also talked about going to AA meetings and hearing from older drunks who have had far more hair rising experiences than the younger people who get into the program. The thing is—I used to enjoy my drug and alcohol induced debauchery. I am older so I have more stories. But I was not miserable. True there have been consequences and some have been rather negative. But it wasn’t all bad.

I Wanna Be Sedated - The Ramones

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