

Saturday, March 29, 2014

All I have to do is take codeine and I feel better

By សតិវ អតុ
The political and cultural system here in the USA is completely illogical. We get treated as criminals if we use simple logic. In other words I could easily replace Abilify with codeine and the statement would be true: “I took codeine (or other narcotics) for my depression and I feel better.” However our society has decided that some pills that make you feel better are medicine while other pills that do the same thing are illegal and horribly wrong. Yes there are negative side effects for using narcotics and they can be addictive. But if they make a person feel better, how is that much different from the ad below? People take pills that make them feel better and there is no logic in threatening them with jail and life ruining penalties for doing that. It is simple logic that people do NOT want to feel bad. Duh!!!


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