

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Once again- Facebook sucks as does a lot of the people on it!

By Steve Otto

This is one more tirade against Facebook and not just them, but the ass holes who use it. I just got a complaint on a stupid page called "Jukebox of our lives." They complained because I said that Paul McCartney was not much of a political left-winger. The moderator said they don't want my political opinions. Well fuck them.

And while we are at it, fuck all the people who think I should not be dating. I should just keep morning or hang out with my friends. Now are those the friends who live here in town but I never see them? Kinda hard to hang out with them.

Lately I'm totally sick of Facebook and most of the people on there. Ya kinda learn who your friends really are after a while of being on that stupid site. Maybe that's why I rarely go on the site anymore. I spend most of my time alone and that seems to work the best for me. And being on line ismore and more—is a waist of time.

I can date if I want to and anyone who doesn't like that can fuck off. In fact a lot of people, on line, can fuck off anyway. I just don't need those people!!!! 

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