

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Marlene Annette Winter has passed on—John Mesh and I went to her funeral recently

By Steve Otto

Marlene Winter just died recently—last month (April 10). I seem to be writing a lot of obituaries lately—way more than I would like to. I have to admit, I really liked Marlene. I almost liked her enough to ask her out on a date. But I never got the nerve up to doing that.

She was pretty. Even as she got older, she still looked good.

She liked tie-died shirts and other hippy type clothing. I remember years ago when I met her at Kirby's. She was bare foot and wearing a tie-died shirt, and in general, she dressed like a hippy.

As she got older she adopted a "born again" religion. She quit drinking  and her outlook on life was quite different from mine.  But she was always open minded enough where she did not run off her best friends, including me and John Mesh.

Two weeks ago (May 7)Mesh and I went to her funeral. She had been cremated so she was not actually there for us to see. But we met with her family and other friends. She was not all that old when she died. She had been sick and a post-Covid pulmonary embolism finished her off. This was a very sad occasion for John and I. John noticed that most of us, who visited Tim Pouncy at the hospital right before he died, were now dead. Just John and I are left.

It is a sad time in our lives where a lot of our friends are dying off. And in old age there is little we can do about that.

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