

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Response- Drones watch over our ground troops- so what?

Here is a response to my letter in The Wichita Eagle:

Drones watch over our ground troops

Regarding “Killing from afar” (Feb. 25 Letters to the Editor): The woman who generated the letter writer’s disgust is a soldier. She is doing her job and duty in protecting those soldiers who are on the ground in the countries her team watches over.
That the enemy gets killed is a fact of warfare. I would rather it be some terrorists, regardless of their motivations, who get killed than one of our people.
This officer and her group provide eyes on the enemy and on the terrain surrounding the troops. Quite often, this saves their lives by keeping them from walking into an ambush or an area loaded with improvised explosive devices.

Regardless of what political motivation is behind the troops being deployed to the Middle East, they are Americans who are going where they are told to go and defending freedom as they are trained to do. To cry about how misguided our government’s policy is in sending them there is irrelevant to them being on the ground in a foreign country and being in harm’s way.
Regardless of where the group is located that watches over the ground troops, they, too, are combat soldiers, and they are doing the job they have been trained to do. They should be recognized as heroes, not vilified because some group with a totally unrealistic view of the world we live in today disagrees with government policy.
Robert S. Kailer, Wichita

I notice this guy ignores important issues and basically says the troops should follow orders and the policies are unimportant. In other words “they are just following orders.” He continues the usual lie that our “troops are defending our freedom.” He also said I belong to a group of people "with a totally unrealistic view of the world we live in today disagrees with government policy." This guy glosses over the real issues as to why we are in those countries in the first place. This kind of military clap trap is to be expected. -SJ Otto

Read more here:

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