

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Going down for the dead

At  the age of 60 it is difficult to have faith in anything. I just learned that the red corridor in India is way smaller than it used to be. About one fourth. Recently the conservatives won a landslide in Brittan. No matter how I slice it I am living in an era where greedy rich people have won it all. The Koch brothers steal our votes and put together a society where THEY win it all.
Our local paper pours lots of lavish praise on these people who use their wealth to promote "freedom and American values." Those values include trashing those who have had trouble making it in THEIR America.
When it comes to Maoism--first we had the Peruvian revolution. They blew it. Then the revolution in loses in India.
what is left?
Although the masters make the rules
For the wise men and the fools
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to.

From Bob Dylan- Its Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
Indeed I have little to look up to. Maybe as time goes on things will change and my life will make sense. For now I am just a looser in a world that has gone really nasty. There is nothing left for those who believe in the future- in goodness- in fair play. The winners are making all the rules and rewriting history to make light of those of us who feel there in any bright future.

-សតិវ អតុ

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